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8 Tips to Secure Your Home While You’re on Vacation

Warmer weather means vacation, and getting ready for a big trip requires a lot of focus. Between making sure your reservations are set and being sure you packed everything you need, it’s easy to forget your house needs some preparation too! When you’re away, you’ll need to take extra precautions to secure your home from danger. Read our eight helpful tips on securing your home and give yourself peace of mind while you’re enjoying your vacation.

#1. Your Neighborhood is Your Best Asset

In almost any circumstance, your neighbors and nearby friends will be your best asset in protecting your home. Let neighbors you trust know you’ll be gone and ask them to keep an eye on things. Not only can they let you know if they see anything strange, they’ll be the best ones to identify if someone suspicious is hanging around, since they’ll know the regulars of the area.

If you’re exceptionally close friends with neighbors, you can even have them check in on your home from time to time. They can also help give the appearance of the house looking active. It’s also much safer for a neighbor to have a spare key than to leave one hiding somewhere – you may think you have a great hiding spot for it, but burglars have seen it all.

#2. Stay off Social Media

Most people know these days not to announce to the world they’re going on vacation. But you need to remember all the way until you return. Posting pictures of your beach vacation while you’re still away sends the same message. Take all the pictures and videos you want – but wait until you get back to post them.

#3. Get a Home Automation System

In addition to making your home life much more convenient and saving you money, home automation can help you secure your home. Arm your alarm and lock your doors remotely, keeping you connected and reassured your home is protected. You can also use it to activate lights at particular times of the day, making it look like there’s activity in your home.

Habitec Security can customize a home automation system  to meet your needs.

#4. Prevent Outdoor Indications That You’re Gone

There are many visual indicators to tip-off thieves when nobody is home. If you’ll be gone for a long time, schedule service to maintain your property. In the warmer months, an overgrown lawn makes it look like the home is vacant. Likewise, during winter, if your driveway still has days-old snow and no tire tracks, it’s obvious you’re somewhere else.

Don’t forget to hold your mail. An overflowing mailbox will clearly announce your absence, and having unattended mail can be an identity theft risk on its own. It takes just a few minutes to hold your mail and can save you a gigantic headache.

#5. Protect Yourself from Flooding

If you live in in a region prone to heavy rains, a two-week vacation could mean coming back to the results of a flood if you aren’t prepared. While you may have a sump pump in your home, a power outage or damage to the pump could cause your home to take on water. Even if you have a back-up battery with your sump pump, consider having a neighbor keep an eye on things, especially if the weather gets bad.

Another, more reliable solution is to have an environmental monitoring service to alert you of floods and power outages. Tracking these risks to your home means you’ll be able to contact someone who can help prevent a minor problem from escalating. You’ll also be able to relax and enjoy your vacation knowing you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful return home.

#6. Double Check Your Alarm System

Before you leave, make sure you have armed your home security system. Your security will be one of your best defenses in protecting your home and making sure you’re not worrying. If something happens, you’ll be alerted right away. It’s also a good idea to inform your security service you’ll be on vacation, so they can respond appropriately to any unusual activity.

If you don’t have a security system, now is the time to schedule a free security evaluation. Not only will a security system protect your home while you’re away, the added protection of a security system benefits you all year long and offers a priceless feeling of safety in your home.

#7. Unplug Unnecessary Appliances

If you’ll be gone for a week or more, it’s worth it to unplug things like your television, your computer, and kitchen appliances too. Some of these draw power even when they’re off, and it prevents them from being damaged if a power surge occurs. It only takes a few minutes to patrol the house to unplug and plug them back in, so it’s a small effort which could save you thousands.

#8. Check Every Lock

It may sound obvious, but ensuring your home is completely locked is a critical step to secure your home. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics indicated in previous years, more homes involved in a burglary were entered without force than with force. This means homeowners have left a door, window or other point of entry unlocked. If you typically leave a window cracked for the cat to move in and out, it’s important to check it’s locked before you leave.

Contact Us Today to Secure Your Home!

Stay safe this summer! If you’re considering a security system for your home or business, our security experts can design a system for your security needs and backed by award-winning, 24-hour local monitoring. Contact us today!

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