We all want to provide security and safety for our families. But protecting your home can be a challenge, and you can’t do it alone. Modern home security devices are an essential tool for giving your home a true sense of safety. That’s why we’ve created a home security checklist you can use to identify the most useful home security devices to keep your family safe!
Read on to learn more about the solutions to common home vulnerabilities and what these devices can do for you.
Protecting Your Home’s Perimeter
The first line of defense for your home is the exterior. Before any potential criminal can enter your home, they need to make an approach undetected. Without home security devices, this can be as simple as walking up to your door!
In fact, a surprising number of break-ins start with burglars casually approaching your front door and either walking right in (if you didn’t lock the door) or kicking it in before anyone can notice. Keeping your perimeter safe on your own would require you to be on lookout 24/7. There are three great ways to keep your home’s perimeter safe:
Security Cameras
The most important device you can have for keeping a watchful eye on your perimeter is a modern security camera. They’re an easy way to monitor your property, deter break-ins, and protect your property from crimes of opportunity like package thieves.
When you’re away, distracted, or enjoying a well-deserved night’s rest, your security camera is keeping a watchful eye for potential intruders. Modern smart security cameras are more than just a live feed, too! They can perform intelligent analysis, such as identifying humans approaching and ignoring animal movement. They can even record these events for later review, allowing you to focus on just the moments when something suspicious may have happened.
More importantly, security cameras are an excellent deterrent as part of your home security checklist. Burglars strive for anonymity. They don’t want to be seen, heard, or especially recorded. When a burglar is choosing a home to target, they’re going to avoid those protected by security cameras to reduce their risks of being caught after the fact.
Good Lighting
Even though modern security cameras have amazing new features like thermal imaging or high-fidelity night vision, good lighting should be part of your home security checklist. Remember – thieves don’t want to be seen! A property that’s well lit is one that’s hard to approach unnoticed.
Of course, during the night, nobody wants to be the home that’s shining like a lighthouse. That’s why motion sensor lights can be a great addition to protecting your home. Installing these around your home make it challenging for people to approach, and the sudden flare of light can scare off many amateur thieves.
Intrusion Defense
A monitored alarm system is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. There are three key benefits—deterring criminals, making sure you’re aware someone is in your home, and helping law enforcement get notified sooner for a faster response time.
Like security cameras, having a monitored alarm system is the easiest way to deter criminals from breaking into your home. Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity, and if you’ve made it obvious that your home has a security system with an active monitoring service, a thief will be much less likely to try and break into your home when there are other homes without monitoring systems nearby.
Another major benefit is simple peace of mind. When you’re at work, on vacation, or asleep, your home is left more vulnerable to theft. After all, you can’t be expected to keep your eyes on every entrance of your home all day! Security systems make sure you know your home is locked and protected. If someone enters when your house should be empty, the alarm sounds. This sets many things into motion:
- The alarm itself typically causes the burglar to flee, protecting your property from any significant theft.
- The trigger sends an alert to our award-winning Central Station, where our monitors can contact you or the authorities depending on what’s happening.
- Law enforcement can be dispatched quickly following the confirmation of an intruder, minimizing response time and your risks of theft or harm.
A monitored home security system is the cornerstone of any home security checklist. No home, small or large, should be without one!
Accident Prevention
Lastly, when it comes to home security, there are more threats than criminals. Accidents happen all the time, and are often more dangerous than the thought of a burglar entering your home. No home is completely immune to the risks of common hazards, and while there are many steps you can take to prevent them, being prepared for them is important!
The most likely accidents in your home that can lead to injury or worse are fires and gas leaks, which is why your home security checklist needs to include defense against them:
Fire & Smoke Alarms
An average of almost 400,000 homes experience a fire every year. They can happen in an instant and spread just as quickly. From kitchen fires, which are the most common, to electrical faults and beyond, a fire is never predictable.
While you should take all the steps you can to prevent a fire in your home, the best thing you can do is to make sure that if one were to happen, you’ll know as soon as possible. Fire and smoke detectors give you the best chance of escape in the event of a fire. Homes without smoke detectors leave occupants three times more likely to die in a house fire than those that have them!
The most important part of proper smoke alarm management is having them where they matter most. In addition to your kitchen area, you should have a smoke detector near every bedroom and around the whole home so no area is left unprotected.
CO2 Detectors
While less likely than a fire, CO2 leaks are incredibly deadly. Why? Because CO2 is naturally odorless, invisible, and is found in almost every modern home in America. A CO2 leak can happen from all sorts of appliances, and without a CO2 detector, you won’t likely notice it until the effects have reached a severe level.
CO2 poisoning impacts your ability to function – including your ability to move and think. Severe CO2 poisoning deprives your body of oxygen and can lead to death.
Like smoke detectors, CO2 detectors should be placed throughout your home to keep you safe no matter when or where a CO2 leak occurs. If they trigger, you should immediately evacuate and call emergency services.

Contact Us Today to Secure Your Home!
Continue to keep your home and family safe! Our security experts can perform a security evaluation and provide custom-designed, integrated security solutions backed by award-winning, 24-hour local monitoring. Contact us today!
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