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Workplace Security Basics: Protecting Your Business & Staff

If you’re a business owner, you want to do everything you can to improve the security of your business. As more and more employees return to the office, the idea of workplace safety and security continues to stay fresh on our minds. Keeping your business secure is a challenge, and it can be difficult to know where to start. Learn about the basics of workplace security to create a safe office environment which lets you focus on more important matters.

The Importance of Workplace Security

A secure workplace is essential for any business. Whether you’re a shop with customers visiting at all times of day, or a quiet office with just a few employees, the idea of a safe workplace is something that everyone values. Overlooking workplace security is a bad idea, as it accomplishes much for your business, including:

Reduced Risk of Theft

Workplace theft is all too common. Retail businesses deal with shrinkage every day, and much of that can be associated with employee or customer theft. Money and inventory lost to theft adds up over time until it becomes a major headache for your profitability.

By improving your workplace security, you reduce both the likelihood of theft and the success rate of attempted theft. You’ll be discouraging visitors and employees from stealing, and you’ll also be improving your chances at catching thieves in the act. For larger businesses, the savings in reduced theft can be even more than the cost of a robust security system in the first place, making it an easy decision for your company!

Minimize Liabilities

Owning a business makes you liable for incidents that occur on site. No matter how hard you try, no business is perfectly safe from intentional or accidental incidents. But having proper workplace security systems and routines can minimize your liabilities and make it much less likely for you to be on the hook for an injury.

Security features like access control can help keep high-danger rooms behind lock and key, while security cameras will give you a chance to keep an eye on anything happening on your property. That gives you a chance to stop an accident before it happens, or at least the evidence you need to prove someone was acting inappropriately to protect you from litigation.

Happy Employees

Feeling safe at your place of work is a big deal for employees. First and foremost, it’s your duty as the business owner to minimize their risks. But beyond that, safe employees are happy employees!

Nobody likes the idea of being in a building that’s unsafe – whether that’s from crime or potential hazards within the business. By improving workplace security, you let your employees know they matter to you. When employees aren’t stressed about potential danger in the workplace, they can focus on their jobs, improving efficiency. This can often lead to lower turnover rates, too!

Create a Security Routine

One of the best ways to keep your business secure is to develop a security routine, which includes your employees, to check the building at the opening and close of business. Having a set routine helps guarantee your staff won’t forget crucial workplace security steps like locking doors. It also trains them to spot things which may be out of place, such as missing computers or other critical business equipment. The more thorough your routine, the better your internal security will be.

Control Your Property with an Access Control System

The most important part of protecting your business is controlling who is allowed on site and limiting where they’re allowed to go. Even for small businesses, it’s crucial to prevent intruders from accessing your building. A small office may only have a few items of value, but theft of your computers or the data they hold can quickly become a nightmare.

While keys and locked doors are a classic way to control access, modern options like access control systems offer more controllable solutions. Through electronic control systems, you can flexibly grant or rescind access to various parts of your office with the click of a mouse. As your business grows, it helps keep your office protected and ensures both employees and visitors only go where they’re intended to go. Our Habitec Gateway system even lets you open and close doors remotely, along with managing your employees and access settings!

Proper Lighting

Updating your lighting is one of the easiest ways to improve the overall security of your business. Perform a walkthrough of your office and the rest of your property at night to see if there are areas where there isn’t proper lighting. Dimly lit portions of your property can not only make it easier for intruders to approach the building, but they can also leave your employees at risk when they’re leaving at night.

The key places to have proper lighting are entrances and exits. Especially when combined with surveillance equipment, keeping these areas easily visible will reduce the ability to sneak in or out of the building unnoticed. It also helps make sure your employees feel safe if they need to lock-up after working late, or if they arrive early.

Keep Expensive Equipment Out of Sight

Every modern business uses a handful of computers and other expensive equipment to operate. If you leave window blinds open and keep any equipment in plain sight, you can make yourself a target. Thieves want to know their effort will pay off, and when they can see the exact items they want to steal, they’re more likely to break into your office than another.

Set your store or business up to minimize how much of your equipment is shown through windows or openings. Closing window blinds should be part of your office security routine at closing. If you have doors with windows in them, consider installing blinds or shades to help you control visibility from outside.

Use Security Cameras Everywhere You Can

From massive warehouses to the smallest office, no entrepreneur can keep an eye on their business 24/7. But a modern security camera system can! When it comes to workplace security, the addition of a robust network of security cameras can be a real gamechanger!

Cameras offer your business several options to improve security, especially when you include modern features that you may not even know existed.

Live Monitoring – Whether you use them yourself or have a dedicated security team, cameras can be used to quickly monitor the entire structure from a centralized location. It’s much quicker than walking the building and allows just one person to keep an eye on everything.

Remote Viewing – Being away from your business can be stressful, especially because you won’t know that things are going smoothly. Habitec offers security cameras with remote access capabilities, letting you keep an eye on your business even if you’re halfway around the world.

Recording Events – Whether it’s our state of the art automatic event recording technology or you manually recording an incident, you’ll be able to have security footage of anything that happens on site. This can help you with training your employees, reviewing problems and more.

Install a Monitored Security System

You can’t keep your eyes on your property all the time. Even during the day, most businesses have multiple entrances which can’t all be watched at the same time, which is why every business needs a security system. However, not all security systems are the same. There are two primary types: unmonitored and monitored. While both offer a deterrent to criminals, only a monitored business security system truly protects your business and gives you piece of mind.

Unmonitored systems are often easier to setup – in many cases, they only require simple entry point monitors to be installed. While this can sound like a great benefit, they don’t offer true protection against intruders. Without monitoring, all they can do is blare the alarm and hope intruders leave on their own. But what if your location is relatively remote? A loud alarm won’t be much of a deterrent when there’s no risk of nearby intervention.

A monitored security system, like those offered by Habitec Security, include trained security professionals who watch and respond immediately to any breach in your property’s security. You’ll be alerted as soon as possible to any potential threat, giving you peace of mind no matter where you are.

Schedule Regular Fire Inspections

Every business is at risk of fire incidents, though some are more susceptible than others. The best way to understand your risk of fire and the ways you can avoid it is with a fire inspection. Habitec Security is an expert when it comes to fire safety, with trained technicians ready to inspect your business for potential hazards.

We offer services like cleaning fire alarm devices, measuring the sensitivity of smoke detectors, and more to help keep your business compliant with the fire code.

Minimizing fire risks is the type of workplace safety that can save lives! Let us help keep your business safe from fire damage and injury.

Contact Us Today to Secure Your Business!

Keep your property protected. If you need a security system for your business, our experts can design a system for your security needs and backed by award-winning, 24-hour local monitoring. Contact us today!

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